2022: A New Beginning

by Jamie Roger
The last few years have been hard. Hard for humans, and equally as hard for a business that just started to feel growth before COVID put projects, funding, and plans at a standstill.
2022 felt like a new beginning.
We were able to travel again to see so many familiar and lots of new faces at conferences, workshops, and engagements literally across the country. We built partnerships that had been discussed but were previously unable to proceed during COVID. Raising Rare gained another wonderful family’s story, and so many new guests.
Looking back over the last year, Salem Oaks is truly thankful for the relationships that we have formed and the collaborations that have come out of them. Without you, your excitement, your commitment to the community, and your trust in us, we wouldn’t be able to follow our passions for helping to educate and empower those in the patient community.
Salem Oaks wants to wish a Happy Holidays and hopes of a Happy New Year to all of you.
We hope the conclusion of 2022, and a short break, leads us all into exciting projects, new collaborations, and increased growth for the coming year. We pray that 2023 brings with it opportunities, new excitement, and a deepened passion for the work that we do because of you.

Posted by Heather McCullen